The first day on baord....
By the third day... we were all lobsterified... I miss tt colour... Blehz...
After a long long climb up the 'mountain' of aur... enjoying the breeze....
One, two, three...
Miss those days. Blehz... But the winter here is just as fun! So funny.. duno why i'm posting these fotos... prolly coz they'll be gone from my lappy... Will post white winter pix soon.. :P
And so this is the couple walking hand in hand & their dog.
Momentarily i wish i was in their shoes. Strolling along the 'woods' with their dog (or maybe a kid would be nice too), enjoying the sounds of nature and enjoying each other's company. So serene. Romantic. Haha...
We ventured in and found a church. But we figured tt we'll head back to Granna, but who knows we watched the ferry leave. Sighz.. so we took one of the nature trails. N ta-da.. we spotted a reindeer! Muahaha... Din get to get a pix of it but it was a sighting la...
Back in Granna, we went to the musuem. There we found an information counter n a very friendly staff.. quite cute i muz add, who helped us ard with the tourist attraction in the area. Only to realize that, the town is a summer town, where everything is pretty in spring/summer. So i'll be heading back for the greenary & hot air ballon & horse ride when all the ice is gone. :) Popped by the candy shops. Makes me feel like Willy Wonker. In candy land. So pwetty (gosh.. this is how bimbo.. but it indeed is pretty). Sweetness fills the air as we were surrounded by loads and loads of colourful candies & chocs. All the candy bars, traditional red & white candy bars. It just makes you so high & happy. SUGAR RUSH. Tt's the WORD manz. But too bad we din get to see them make the candies, hopefully we'll c them next time. Visited the biscuit making place too. Got to try all their biscuits. Muaha... (tt made our lunch... haha...)
It was interesting to visit another town. Anywhere outside Jönkoping.
-Steals for the day-
Free ferry ride. suppose to cost us SEK 50 but no one collected the money
Free biscuit lunch :)
Free bus ride from ferry terminal to the candy shop. suppose to cost us 42 SEK for that bus back but the uncle was nice to let us in for free since our bus pass din work there. :P
Came back hoping to webcam home but realize it's 1am in sg so mummy is sleeping. Cooked my own dinner (yes i was hardworking, n my flatmate says it smells good. Haha... ) And so now i'm suppose to be studying swedish n prepare for tml but oh wellz... low motivation to mug. I'm sleepy n mugging this language makes me want to pull my hair out!!! Argh... Shall surf for a new blog skin... unless someone is nice enough to help me html my new designed skin...
My big $1 Ikea laundry bag! Haha... Unlike SOME pple who buys a special laundry bag. Muahah... (no offence hor... ) Feel like a maid la.. Today clean house.. now wash n fold clothes. Too lazy to iron n the clothes are relatively uncrumpled. Muahaha...
Anw.. today had Swedish class. OMG... The thot and the mention of it will really drive me insane. I am soooo going to drop the class lah.. But cannot.. Coz i paid SEK300 for the darn books.. Haiz... The pronunication is gg to drive me nuts.. N the spelling of the words is horrible. Long vowel n short vowel. I duno la... *headache* It's a pure 2 hour torture for my ears n mouth. Haha... What did i get myself into??? Blehz...
Thanks TY for the pi pa gao! I can't believe i forgot to bring that... Blehz... perfect for the dry throat. Plus the money that i bought today. Yes it was another round of supermarketing. Seems like that has been our key shopping routine. Haha... My kitchen seems a lil more equipped now. Haha..
Sidetracking... I've got a new flattie. Saw her name on the door but haf yet to see her. Lalala.. hope she's better. Someone pls stop me from snacking. ARGH... As i'm typing i'm munching on cereal. How bad.. Last nite was digestives. Blehz...
Granna tml...
AND TIME HAS FROZEN HERE TOO! Esp when we are waiting for the bus to come. And the bus service too freezes during the weekends. They become less vicious. Haha... So poorly adaptoble pple to the cold have to freeze our arses (no... toes & fingers mainly) off at the bus stands.
So far, the thing i've done best is to stock up on my groceries. Haha... I've been a frequent visitor to the supermarket. Got watever food i need but when it comes to cooking... I just stare at the cupboard n fridge filled with food. Haha... N usually i end up not using the stove. Haha... N i keep forgetting to buy meat. I miss chicken & fish. Blehz... Meat here is expensive. Okie... rather everything is expensive. And chicken seems to have extinct. I can barely find a whole raw chicken in the supermarts tt i've been to. Only got drumsticks. And fish is WORST. Haf i been deluded that i'll be having lots of fish in nordic countries? Haiz... Where have the fishes gone to? I WANT FISH! STEAM FISH! They only haf frozen fish/vacuumed/ preserved/seasoned fish. I want them fresh. Blehz...
Anw had a rather interesting encounter yesterday nite. Lazy me is ripping this extract of my friend's blog. TY, hope u din copyright this. Haha...
Oh, when Sharleen and I sent Angie and Jieying to the bus station
just now, we met 2 black and old assholes. But it was damn hilarious la. hahaha.
Maybe they had a drop too much or something I don't know. I dun think so though
coz it was only 10 plus la. Anyway, they came up to us and tried to speak to us.
They started saying 'Hi' and spoke to us in English. Coz they looked so
suspicious, we ignored them. (Actually I would have replied if not for the rest
who stopped me) We were just hoping that they will leave if we ignore them long
enough. Thinking that we did not understand them, they started asking qns in
various languages. I just nodded when they said "You speak Chinese? Are you from
China?". And we just gave them the 'i-dun- understand' face at whatever qns they
posed. So, assuming that we completely did not understand english, they started
talking obsencely.
They said: "You are [dunno what] fuckers [dunno what]
blah blah"
(i didn't understand the behind part, i think it was in another
They asked: "Are you all idiots?" *snicker snicker
*i-dun-understand face*
By this time, they have lost much
interest in talking to us already. Haha.. thank god. I so wanted to laugh out
Then one of they had to ask: "Do you want my dick?"
*pretend nv
hear* But inner-us: "WTH!"
Luckily after that qns they just laughed and
walked off.
Haha... I feel like telling them. I would love ya dick frozen in the cold so that i can see if it would freeze and drop off. Haha... Then again, no i have no interest in seeing any of that manz. *see no evil* They are nuts lah. But this place is filled with some loonly pple. In a week, I've seen 3 already not including them. First was on my first day here, i saw a guy eating and talking to his pizza. Second and third was at the bus station where the guy was talking really loudly to himself. Thanks goodness, i had pple ard me. The cold n the long dark nites do indeed make pple insane. (well, i read somewhere of the disease but my frozen mind can't recall. Haha)
Okie.. Now i kinda can't remember wat else i want to blog.... Wat's new. Anw the temperature is dipping. DIPPING... it's below freezing pt. It's so cold that we figured that putting our can drinks outside would chill them faster than putting them in the fridge which is soo true. As of now, it's -19 degrees. I feel the cold air creeping to my hands but the hot air is keeping my legs warm (my heater is just below my windows. The theory of physic. Haha... So maybe we should do handstands so our feets won't freeze. :P)
That shall be all for now till i can remember wat else i want and can blog about... which somehow the inspiration has come to blog as i end this post. Shall blog about the discoveries i've made here... the things that we've been taking for granted at home, the clubbing scene here, the lack of stationaries & tissue paper here.
School starts tml. So exciting. Hej hej lesson! Haha...
You are a Great Girlfriend |
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Your Winter Look is Urban |
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[cast ya shadow]
[Sweat level]
[fellow stars]
[memory lane]
21st birthday
21st with my darlings
X'mas dinner 2005 with SK
Goteburg trip
Stockholm trip - under construction
Kiruna trip
[genie stop here]
:: lose weight::
:: bask in the companionship of my friends::
:: be the happy gal::
:: the love one ::
:: wisdom::
:: a new job::
:: my ideal end state of my life::
shar hearts u